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Mom Dad Tattoos

This one is pretty outstanding XD

The Chinese means "dad" (left) and "mom" (right). I wonder if the person gave the picture of his parents or a page of comic like 稻中兵團 (Ping-Pong Club). After seeing this photo it made me curious about how the parents of the tattooed person look like! whatever they look, I'm sure they have quite a nice child who loves them much enough to carry them all around, respect! The above tattoo was done in Revolution tattoo 反刺青 in Kaohsiung ,Taiwan.

The first image doesn't reflect what Revolution Tattoo studio is capable to do. Check out other neat stuff of what they did, from Chinese characters and traditional figures to Western style, may be I should go to have my mom & dad tattooed on me soon.

Source: Revolution Tattoo Instagram

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